Sunday, July 29, 2012

Project Neptune

Project Neptune includes many features that separate it from similar programs and simply make it the best - and no, these features and functions aren't half-way coded, dinky scripts. Each of these functions are entirely custom coded and heavily tested. These features are listed below, and are in accordance to the screenshots of the tabs above. Keep in mind that Premium features are excluded and there's more on those after this section.
Tab One/General Functionality 
[+] Easy to understand, comprehensive GUI, complete with tooltips to guide you along.
[+] Obfuscated variables and other vital settings. Uses custom random keys, Greek orientated. View a screenshot here.
[+] Entirely stable and functioning keylogger with constant support and updates.
[+] Ability to send logs to FTP (only on Premium) and/or email. Complete functionality in both with simple, easy to understand log formats.
[+] Logs all keys on an English keyboard using sophisticated, custom coded keyboard hooks.
[+] Vital program processes are multithreaded to increase maximum stability.
[+] Completely customizable logs and log intervals.
[+] Customizable backspace recording, clipboard recording, and shift/caps lock recording.
[+] Ability to record system specs, including Windows key, OS version, and more.

Tab Two 
[+] Ability to disable Windows Task Manager through 3 different methods, each with shown levels of suspicion.
[+] Ability to disable the Windows Registry Editing tool.
[+] Ability to disable Windows DOS/Command Prompt.
[+] Ability to disable the Windows Vista/7 User Account Control.

Tab Three 
[+] Two separate add to startup methods, each with varying levels of security needed.
[+] Five dynamic installation locations (meaning they change with each computer to ensure the file is installed to the right place), and one customizable, non-dynamic location for hard installation.
[+] Ability to delete, melt, or hide the original file after installation.

Tab Four 
[+] Entirely customizable messagebox to run on the file's first startup.
[+] Ability to self destruct on a specified date.
[+] Ability to send installation message on the file's first startup.
[+] Ability to not send logs if nothing has been typed.
[+] Ability to send screenshots with normal logs.

Tab Five 
[+] Ability to customize file's details, including the file description, copyright, and company.
[+] Customizable mutex string - mutex increases stability and functionality by preventing two copies of your file from being ran simultaneously.
[+] Customizable process name.
[+] Ability to disable and delete your file through the 'Cure' system.

Tab Six 
[+] You have the ability to save your entire application settings list for future usage.
[+] Ability to manage your saved settings very easily through the right-click menu on the settings list.
[+] Ability to make any of your settings automatically load on the program's startup.
[+] Ability to copy any of the selected settings for easy debugging and testing by any of the PN staff members.

Tab Seven 
[+] Integrated HWID grabbing and checking for the premium version.
[+] Important websites and URLs.
[+] Upgrade checking.
[+] Latest program news.

File Binder 
[+] Project Neptune comes with a fully functional file binder. View a screenshot here.
[+] Ability to bind as many files as you want.
[+] Customizable drop location for all files.
[+] Customizable drop delay for all files.
[+] Ability to copy the MD5 checksum of each file for later debugging.
[+] Ability to check what the filesize of the built file will be.

Program Tabs/General 
[+] FTP logging is restricted to the Premium version. With FTP logging, you're able to use it and the email option as a sort of double backup system.
[+] You change and test your FTP settings - your username, host, and password are verified through it so you know that they are working properly before you build.
[+] You have the ability to block websites - that is, any number of websites. This function uses the native hosts file on the your computer to block the websites, making it a simple and natural method.
[+] Ability to clear and delete Internet Explorer's browsing history and cookie files.
[+] Ability to disable the usage of Windows Run and Run commands, similar to disabling the Windows Registry Editing tool.
[+] Ability to disable the usage of the mouse's right clicks, making disabling the file much, much harder.
[+] Ability to download any file you want to on startup, included with a customizable drop name and the ability to hide the file from view on startup.
[+] Ability to delay the file's code execution on startup. This feature helps to decrease suspicion levels that the file is ran on.
[+] Included with the ability to send screenshots with your logs, you also have the ability to send screenshots at a customizable time interval.
[+] Ability to change your file's creation date to match that of another file's.
[+] Ability to change your file's icon to any separate .ico file you can find.


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